Supra Insider
Supra Insider
#9: Nan Yu (Head of Product at Linear)

#9: Nan Yu (Head of Product at Linear)

Going deep on how Linear designs its org, structures its team, builds products, runs work trials, and much more.

Welcome to another episode of Supra Insider. This time, we’re excited to bring you our conversation with Nan Yu, Head of Product at Linear.

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Nan had a super interesting path to his current role: he started his career as a software engineer at Goldman Sachs, then served as the CTO of Everlane for nearly six years before joining Abstract as an engineering manager (where he paired with Ben as his primary PM counterpart). After a couple years at Abstract, Nan joined Mode Analytics initially as interim CTO and then as their full-time VP of Product.

In this episode, we went deep on how Linear:

  • Designs its org and structures its teams

  • Builds products (and how it uses Linear)

  • Runs work trials to screen for fit

  • and much more!

We had a blast talking to Nan and learned a ton from our conversation. Enjoy it!

If you’d like to watch the video, you can catch that on YouTube:


Supra Insider
Supra Insider
A podcast for product leaders inspired by discussions in the Supra product community, hosted by Marc Baselga and Ben Erez.