Supra Insider
Supra Insider
#10: Marc Baselga (Founder of Supra)

#10: Marc Baselga (Founder of Supra)

Ben interviews Marc about Supra's origin story, the challenges of growing the business while resisting VC dollars and Marc’s plans for the future of the community 💪

Welcome to another episode of Supra Insider. We changed things up for this episode and instead of Ben and Marc interviewing a guest, Ben interviewed Marc.

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In this episode, Marc and Ben dive deep into various aspects of the Supra community, including:

  • Supra’s founding story

  • The importance of curating a high-quality, committed member community and matching people into the right groups.

  • The role of executive coaches in facilitating meaningful discussions and maintaining group engagement.

  • Challenges faced in scaling the community as a bootstrapped business

  • The value of in-person events and the desire to organize more of them in the future.

  • Common career paths & aspirations of product leaders + how Supra aims to help

  • Potential future opportunities for Supra.

If you're a product leader interested in learning more about Supra, reach out to Marc on LinkedIn. In the meantime, enjoy the episode!

And if you’d like to watch the video, you can catch that on YouTube:

Supra Insider
Supra Insider
A podcast for product leaders inspired by discussions in the Supra product community, hosted by Marc Baselga and Ben Erez.